Deutsche Heidnische Front

Deutsche Heidnische Front (DHF or German Heathens' Front) is a far right Neo-pagan group which was created in 1998 as the German section of the Heathen Front. It was formed by avowed neo-Nazi Hendrik Möbus.


Self-description and Ideology

The group seeks to restore an ancient Germanic religion, although it breaks from those other pagan groups who do not include a strong völkisch core to this. The members believe that their actions are driven by Norse mythology and as such it belongs to the same tradition as the Völkisch movements, the Thule Society and elements within the Nazi Party. Strongly anti-Semitic, the DHF has been driven by the Fourteen Words of David Lane. Nevertheless, modern Neo-Pagan community does not hold any racist, Nazi, extreme right-wing or racial supremacist believe and most Neo-Pagan groups reject Racism and Nazism,.[1][2][3]

Image change

In 2001 the DHF publicly redefined itself. Although it retained its commitment to völkisch ideals it also stated that it offered no allegiance to any political faction or politically-motivated subculture. It also claimed that it was not the group's intention to support hatred towards any other faith or ethnic group.


The DHF structure is based around freely associated Gauen or districts. Within these districts celebrations are organized at traditional sites, particularly at solstice time. A summer solstice festival held in Kyffhäuserkreis in 2002 was mentioned in a report by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution as the site was used for similar festivities by the SS.[1] The group publishes a magazine Tuisto, which deals with pagan, cultural and historical themes.

See also
